Copycat Claussen Kosher Dill Pickles

Make your own super-crunchy pickles with this recipe…and stop paying out the nose for something that is so simple to make in your own kitchen.

I have always been a Claussen Kosher Dill Pickle fan. Forever. I don’t like sweet pickles or bread and butter pickles, they just aren’t my thing. Claussen just tastes better, in my opinion, I don’t even like the shelf brand dill pickles. They are either too sweet or too tangy. That’s why I posted this Claussen pickle recipe several years ago.

Homemade Claussen Knock-Off Pickles: Always crunchy and garlicky, this perfect homemade pickle requires no special equipment, & no canning experience.

It’s common knowledge that I have a salty tooth rather than a sweet tooth. When the weather does what it has been doing lately (making us all do our best Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego impersonations) I can’t think of a single thing I find more refreshing than an icy-cold, salty, crunchy pickle. Oh yes. You can keep your popsicles* and those icy squeezy pop things whose name currently escapes me. I’m on deck with the pickles.

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