No One Will Ever Get Bored Of Grandma’s Old Fashioned Custard Style Rice Pudding!

Rice pudding.  A wonderful creation.  I do not have any idea who possibly came up with the idea of throwing sugar and milk into rice, but I am thankful they did, because I never would have. I am the worst at planning and preparing recipes that do not seem traditional, at best.  But with time, I have learned that it does not need to be so.  Unconventional recipes can sometimes turn out to be the very best.

That’s what my grandma used to say anyway. I remember years and years ago, when I was a little girl, my grandma was always in the kitchen.  She never took a cooking class in her life, but that woman cooked like a top notch chef.

She always had something utterly delicious on the table, and every single time you would step into her house, there was some sort of sweets ready for you to devour. I am not sure if it was always so, or if she just made sure to have stuff for when we came over.  Anyhow, my grandma would very often make this custard rice pudding and it would knock my socks off!

This is the ultimate comfort food and your family will be very grateful if you make this for them!

Quick Tip: Add in your favorite toppings like chocolate chips, raisins or dried cranberries.

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  1. Looks so good can't wait to try this !!

  2. I love rice pudding. But I only eat from cans. So thank you for sharing this recipe.
    I will surely try ASAP.


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