Soft, moist, and loaded with coconut and lime. This coconut lime sheet cake is a delicious dessert that everyone will love! It makes enough to serve a crowd so it’s perfect for gathering and potlucks. This is hands down the BEST Coconut Cake recipe you’ll ever make. This classic coconut cake recipe uses fresh coconut and a secret ingredient to make the coconut cake extra moist! We had a delicious dessert at one of our Relief Society activity nights. This coconut cake is so moist and yummy! Yes, this cake is to die for. Wait and see!

The BEST Coconut Cake Recipe : I love this coconut cake recipe and I’m not exaggerating when I tell you that it is the BEST Coconut Cake You’ll Ever Make! This homemade coconut cake recipe has been making an appearance as a holiday dessert recipe since I was a little girl. My grandma used to make it for Easter dessert, Thanksgiving dessert, and if I asked extra nice, Christmas dessert. Everyone in my family loves it, even the ones who aren’t a big fan of coconut cake. The secret ingredient is cream of coconut and fresh coconut. It is sooo much better than that dried, sweetened coconut you find in the baking aisle! This Coconut Sheet Cake is easy to make and is loaded with delicious coconut flavor! This cake is the perfect potluck dish, it’s extra moist with a simple and delicious frosting. Easy, peasy and sweet! This coconut cake is very delicious and fun to make. Give it a shot, it will make you proud!

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  1. um, Pardon Me but where is the Coconut or Lime in the recipe Very Moist Coconut Sheet Cake?

    1. Seems like there's a mistake in this recipe.

    2. Recipe is not complete. Can you give the full recipe??

    3. Well, now, this recipe does look Good! lol

  2. I will try it thanks for the recipe

  3. Recipe seems incomplete. No coconut and lime

  4. Any cake recipe that starts with a box of cake mix is not worth my time.

  5. This recipe deserves a try and am gonna do this for dinner.

  6. Can you make this into a two layer cake?

  7. Most wedding cakes and bakeries start with premade mix that they doctor up. Pillsbury, Betty Crocker and Duncan Hines have spent millions getting the basic ingredients perfected...customizing it is the trick.

  8. Does anyone know if you can buy fresh coconut out of the shell? Last time I tried getting my own out, I ended up in the ER for stitches...on Easter a couple of years ago!

    1. If you plan on using coconut straight from the shell you have to understand that there is a difference between that and packaged coconut.. the shell coconut is not sweetened like the package.. There is a difference

  9. Please i would like to know if i can use normal flour if yes how many cups/grams. Thanks

  10. I asked a question Please someone answered me. Can i use normal flour if yes how many cups/grams? Thank you

    1. You can Google basic cake recipe and you can find some very very good ones


  11. This cake is from a raw flour....

  12. YUMMMMMMMMM,looks delish!
    Teri Bodle

  13. Replies
    1. I think you may have this recipe confused with a different one because there is not lime in this recipe ..not in the topping nor in the mix.. all you've got to do is read the directions and the ingredients ..hope this helps you

  14. I absolutely love this..
    Thank you
    Sharon Gilbert

  15. I saw the same thing it said in first line coconut and lime.

  16. Love coconut so definitely doing this Luvs xx

  17. Can't get the link to work. Can I find this recipe elsewhere.

  18. It says lime in the notes before the recipe.. ????


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