Mama’s Original Mud Hen Bar Recipe – They Ain’t Purty But They’re GOOD!

Don’t let the name fool you. There are no chickens in these cookie bars.

When I first laid eyes on these bars over at the Making Memories With Your Kids food blog I wasn’t impressed by their appearance. Honestly, they don’t look like much but don’t let that deter you from making them. These bars might look plain and simple but their taste is out of this world! I had to hide the rest of these bars from myself because I was afraid I was going to gobble them all up by myself. Wow! talk about a yummy batch of desserty goodness!

Thank you again, making Memories With Your Kids, for this delicious recipe. I’ll be making it again VERY SOON!

You are probably just dying for the recipe, right? Never fear! You’ll find all of the yummy details on the next page. Woohoo!
Quick Tip: Try these bars warmed up in the microwave with a dollop of ice cream. Heaven!

Check out what my pal from Making Memories With Your Kids had to say about this wonderful recipe:

I’ve been wanting to make these bars for some time now. Apparently pretty badly because when I looked at my “super secret TO MAKE board” on Pinterest I noticed I’d pinned them four times! We opted to not put nuts in them since we’re not nut people and we used milk chocolate chips (because I always use milk chocolate chips.) Don’t they look wonderful? Look at that crunchy top.

I’ve never heard of Mud Hen brownies before, Erin from Making Memories With Your Kids introduced it to us on her blog. Thanks, Erin!

To get recipe and Instructions Please OPEN Next Page...


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