This 3 Musketeers Cake Is So Thick, You’ll Give Your Jaws A Workout With Every Bite!

My husband and I love watching old movies.

He never liked studying history, but this has been a very effective way for him to appreciate history. Period movies based on real-life events are something that we love watching when the kids finally fell asleep. It’s a consistent routine every Friday; we watch something animated and then when the kids finally sleep, we put in a favorite movie of ours. Usually, it’s this type of movie. One of my favorite period movies is The Musketeers. I love the story of their adventures and of course the value of teamwork and trust amidst all the betrayal.
Anyway, it might sound a bit predictable, but this cake that I am going to share with you reminds me of The Three Musketeers. It’s called tres leches cake, and the taste is just “triple the goodness”. Definitely sinful and satisfying. This is a favorite of my husband and my kids. They love the creaminess of the cake and that certain kick that it has. They always look happy whenever this is on the menu.

If you want to try this recipe for your family, please don’t hesitate to head on over to the next page for the recipe. I hope you and your family will enjoy this as much as me and my family do.

Quick Tip: Try this cake frozen!

This 3 Musketeers cake is perfect to serve to a large crowd. If you are going to a potluck or to a small gathering, I suggest that you bring this. There is nothing better than this type of cake, which tastes fancy and simple at the same time. The guests will surely flock around this and you will never even have the chance to say anything before the serving dish is empty! This cake is addicting you couldn’t blame your guest for this. I know that when I made this yummy cake everyone was asking me for the recipe. I didn’t expect anything less to be honest. I mean, who wouldn’t want to know how to make this delicious dessert?

This is so yummy that you feel as if you don’t deserve even just a piece but you do. Make this for your family and you will see how much this will make them happy.

To get recipe and Instructions Please OPEN Next Page...


  1. To expensive for me (I'm in Great Britain) so would have to source the ingredients on line ,although it sounds yummy and I'm sure would love it.


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