What’s Hidden In These Rollups Is The Most Delicious Mix You’ve Ever Tasted

How To Make A Meal Even Picky Eaters Will Devour

Last month we were invited to a special dinner over at our friends’ house. They’re both great cooks and they specifically told us to be hungry when we get there. Of course that sounded awesome already, since I do love good food, but nothing could have prepared me for the delicious meal I was about to enjoy.

When we go there, they had these cheesy chicken roll-ups set out for us. They looked and smelled amazing! I wasn’t sure how the kids would react since they can be pretty picky, and we had never had anything like it at home. But they gobbled them right up and had second helpings.

I asked my friends how they thought of something so yummy and they said they found the recipe on Big Bear’s Wife. The greatest detail that they shared was the fact that they made them ahead of time and kept them in the fridge until they knew we were going to arrive so they could be fresh.

I love making these for my family at home now!
One of the most appealing aspects of these yummy chicken roll-ups is the fact that they can be prepared fast and they cook pretty quickly, too.

They make for a perfect busy weeknight meal when we are rushing around to different hobbies and other events for the kids after school.

Everyone always requests these when they see I have chicken out to cook… and I don’t mind making them!

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