Taco Casserole cooking


  • 1 7oz. bag Nacho Cheese Doritos, crushed
  • 1 lb. hamburger, browned
  • 1 pkg. taco seasoning, mixed according to directions
  • 1 (8 oz.) pkg. shredded Cheddar cheese
  • 1 (8 oz.) pkg. shredded Mozzarella cheese
  • Shredded Lettuce
  • Sliced tomato

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  1. Got to try. Sounds good. Betty Morris not Mortid.

  2. Substitute the ground beef with ground turkey or ground chicken.

  3. Loved ! I tweaked it a little. I wasn’t really keen on the lettuce & tomato baking so I layered to the cheese on top of the meat & baked it 10 minutes then added the lettuce, tomato & topped with the rest of cheese then baked the 5 minutes more to make the total 15 minutes bake time.I also used the 15 Oz bag of Doritos instead of 7.5(hubby liked the crunchy & said it needed more lol)

  4. Love this.The lettuce and tomato going on after baking, just like taco's. Yummmmmm

  5. Looks easy and delicious. I'm going to try this this weekend.


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